9:41 PM
why i cant Login in game ???
10:04 PM
Its working for me,you created an account and acti
10:07 PM
Currently I did not get notified, by the acc creat
10:26 PM
I created an account .625890.but ,when i try to lo
10:26 PM
login it say ,i wass ban ,,
10:28 PM
then its not activated, from the 2nd email
10:29 PM
try to recreate it, you can use the same email, if
10:32 PM
but i didnt get any email ..aa
10:33 PM
try again then
use a gmail address if its not w
10:33 PM
usualy its works at the first time
10:46 PM
i got the notification of the acc reg, but not act
11:21 PM
Hey, thx for fix luxury prices.
3:41 PM
Thx for reporting
8:55 AM
valami nem okés a szerverrel nem lehet targetolni
9:46 AM
Javítva, resiztem 1db vessző hiány okozta.
3:26 PM
Sziasztok!Olyan problémám van,hogy nem enged be...
4:54 PM
You shoul add the gk prices
Happy year! :bee